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get the look for less: dior saddle


Need I say more?!

Dior changed the game when they launched the saddle bag in 1999. Dior's former creative director John Galliano launched this masterpiece as part of the spring/summer 2000 collection. Since then, this bag has gained high acclaim and established itself as the most wanted, almost essential Y2K accessory. The bag was further immortalised by Sarah Jessica Parker who played Carrie Bradshaw in Sex And The City. Many other big names are fans of The Saddle Bag, our very own Beyonce included!

The Saddle bag has seen its fair share of ups and downs, from being the 'it' bag of the season to almost going out of style, being sold on eBay for under 150 USD, to being brought back into fashion, going completely out of stock. Ultimately, I'd say it stood the test of time! Those who stayed loyal to their Saddle Bags (and believe me they're not few) made the right decision.

Saying that the saddle bag has an enormous cult following would be an understatement — the bag has fanatics in all age groups! And why should it not? The Saddle Bag is extremely special! The USP (unique selling point) of the Dior Saddle Bag is that it looks gorgeous from every angle. EVERY. FREAKING. ANGLE. Just gorgeous. Due to its interesting shape, it renders a different silhouette from each angel, each one as beautiful as the other!

Talking about the shape of the bag, of course, the shape is what makes this bag stand out. Who would've thought that a bag shaped like a saddle could become so attractive and revolutionize the luxury handbag space?! The saddle bag was the transfer student who replaced the quarterback! No one quite understood why The Saddle Bag was shaped like that, and why everyone seemed to love it. There is just something about the unabashed asymmetry of the Dior Saddle that captures hearts! As they say — "there is no bag like the saddle bag".

All this talk about The Saddle Bag really makes you itch to buy one, correct? I totally get it. But for most of us, buying a Dior Saddle Bag would be a really poor financial decision. It can REALLY burn a hole in your pocket. So, what do we do then? I have two scenarios for you: if your attraction is towards the luxury appeal of the Dior Saddle Bag, then I'd recommend saving up some money slowly and buying the bag eventually (if you still want it by then!), but if your attraction is towards the uniqueness of the design and towards the saddle bandwagon — hop on in, because we're duping the iconic Dior Saddle Bag.

I will suggest 3 Dior Saddle dupes — for 3 different consumer needs. One, a high-quality replica of the bag that comes with a higher budget, one that is an affordable replica of the Dior Saddle, and one that draws inspiration in terms of shape and design from the Dior Saddle but doesn't try to be the Dior Saddle.


High Quality

AMZREPX: Do you want a high-quality replica that resembles the Dior Saddle Bag in every way, except for the price tag? I have found the perfect one! This website AMZREPX has a variety of offerings when it comes to designer bag replicas. They provide very high-quality, genuine leather (if applicable) replicas, that even pros cannot tell apart!

Buying a replica like this could be a rational financial choice as well, rather than a preference for not spending much. The price tag Dior comes at is not for the faint-hearted. The money could be better spent elsewhere or saved for a future investment. Whatever your reason, I am here to help!

They have multiple options in saddle bags too, of course, my favorites are the Dior monogrammed saddle bag and the classic black saddle bag.

These replicas will cost you around 150-200$, you can also choose to buy the longer strap. In my personal opinion, if you like the saddle bag for itself, and not just the Dior X-factor or for the hype around, you should definitely buy the higher quality replicas. These will last you for years, and you can get a lot more use out of them. Plus the price of these is less than 1/20th the price of an original Dior Saddle Bag! That is quite a bargain!

Amzrepx bags exude fantastic attention to detail, everything from the gold hardware to the leather heft is of comparable quality. This kind of 'dupe' is absolutely worth your hard-earned money, because it can make you feel luxurious at a significantly smaller cost. I am most certain that when this bag arrives at your doorstep, you would be amazed at how easy it is to assume it's an original!



Amazon: To dupe a Dior is no small task! And for under 50$? I HAD to search for dupes on Amazon, given it is the most convenient marketplace for most of us. I searched pages and pages on Amazon and found the best ones for you.

If you're looking for a replica and on a budget, I do have a recommendation for you too! Also on Amazon, this bag does exude DIOR branding elements.

What a close dupe! This faux leather bag will cost you 30$ and save you thousands of dollars! The bag is a great replica for those of you who do not wish to splurge on higher quality replicas that run for hundreds of dollars.

This bag is great for those of you who are looking to own a Dior Saddle Bag, but don't want to shell out the whopping amount. At a distance, it looks no different. I must mention, however, that the feel of this 30$ replica is nowhere close to the original, or even to the high-quality replicas. Though I can say for sure though that the bag does provide good value for money!


Inspiration Over Imitation

Available in a plethora colours, this bag is more of a dupe, not a replica. It lacks any Dior branding elements — it adheres to inspiration over imitation. A number of us like to wear our dupes proudly and prefer our dupes to not look like replicas. This is exactly that.

The bag is made of faux leather and comes at a low, low price of 26$. In terms of quality and finish, the bag fulfills its promise! If you're looking for a fairly durable, chic bag that will itch your itch to own a saddle bag, look no further. It exudes the same stylish shape, in all its asymmetrical glory along with a shoulder strap like the original does. My personal favorite colors are tan and beige.


The Dior Saddle is one of my absolute favorite bags on the market, partly because of its heroism. To become so famous a bag with its asymmetrical shape and unique appeal is admirable. I really hope I was able to help you find what you're looking for. Toodles!


Vuer enVogue


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